Nicholas Walker, CEO/President, ConverSolo Inc. and creator of the Virtual Writing Tutor
Brought to you by ConverSolo Inc., The Virtual Writing Tutor is a free online grammar checker for second language learners. This blog is a collection of articles about this website, about pedagogy, grammar, writing, testimonials, and information about me, Nicholas Walker, CEO/President, ConverSolo Inc. Look here for guest blog post information.
Visit the About page to find out about me, Ahuntsic College where I teach, the history of the Virtual Writing Tutor, and my goal for this project. See my climate action page to learn about the project that my 9-year-old son I have started.
Find out about my recent awards for my textbooks, excellence in teaching, computer-assisted learning innovations, and contributions to the English Second Language community.
I am actively developing this website to better serve my students and learners everywhere around the world in need of a free grammar checker.
I have just finished developing an online pen pal exchange for teachers and their students. My next goal is to better serve IELTS and TOEFL test takers with an essay checker, essay outliner, and other writing help.
We live in exciting times. There is so much research in Applied Linguistics and education that fascinates and inspires me as an English Second Language college teacher. There isn’t much research on online grammar checkers unfortunately, so if this is an area of interest for you, I have some research questions that I would like answered.
In this section, you’ll find lessons on various grammar points to help you improve your own English or to share with English language learners. I also keep a list of common errors links to online grammar activities.
Writing help
Here you will find blog posts to help you organize and write a range of different discourse models: pen pal messages, essay outlines, field-related glossaries, blog posts, and hypertext narratives.
Grammar checkers
If you are interested in grammar checkers in general, how they work, and why teachers should care, this section is for you.
Free downloads
Download free ESL activities and grammar lessons and card games that I have created for my ESL textbooks.
Buy products
I have products that you can buy to help to keep the Virtual Writing Tutor 100% free, forever. Primarily, I sell college ESL textbooks in Quebec, Canada, but you can also buy PDFs from Teachers-pay-Teachers.