If you are a teacher who has developed original materials for your students, did you know that 1) you own your copyright and 2) you can start monetizing your materials tomorrow?
In this blog post I will explain how Labodanglais.com can help you supplement your income.
Have you read my other posts about jumping into Moodle or to self-publish or perish? Nevermind. Start here and read those later.
What is Labodanglais?
Labodanglais.com goes by its other name EnglishLab.ca. Whatever you call it, this website is a modified Moodle website that can help you monetize your English course.
You develop a course with your original content and my suite of tools, you set a price, you invite students to enroll and then pay. I send you your share. Repeat.
Even if you are at the beginning of your self-publishing journey, you can supplement your content with content I have developed already to create a well-developed course that responds to your students’ needs.
Need grammar exercises? Got ’em. Need pronunciation, dictation, reading, and listening tests? Got ’em, too. Need coaching? I will help.
What’s so special about Labodanglais?
There are features of Labo that make it superior to other options: the registration key system, automated essay scoring, a library of available content, ESL plugins, a powerful server, coaching.
Registration key system
A registration key is a unique code that works as a proof of payment.
Labodanglais.com’s special registration key system allows you to offer your students access to your Moodle course for a grace period (usually 2-3 weeks). After the grace period, those students must use a unique registration key as proof of payment.
The registration key can be printed inside a book or on a card. Alternatively, students can buy a registration key online using PayPal.
Automated essay scoring
Perhaps, you have tried the automated essay scoring system on the VirtualWritingTutor.com. On Labo, it is a integrated into an assignment and reports scores to the grade book.
You can install this automated essay scoring Moodle plugin on your Moodle server. FastAssignment is free to install. However, you will need to pay for each API call to the VWT. It’s not expensive, but Labodanglais.com gives you unlimited access to this amazing time saving feature. Students love it and so do teachers.
A library of content
I have been self-publishing for about 10 years, so I have a huge amount of content at different levels that I can share. Here is a picture of the library of materials that I have developed and that you can draw upon to supplement your course.
ESL plugins
Moodle websites can be different from each other. College systems tend to be very general, and they might not be able to offer ESL specific activities like dictation and automated pronunciation scoring. Labo can.
A powerful server
Have you ever noticed how much traffic congestion there is on public roads and how little there is on your own driveway. A dedicated private server can offer availability and processing speed that cannot be matched by underpowered and overused college systems.
I can help you solve your pedagogical and technological problems quickly. There is nothing like a supportive colleague who knows the system so well that days of head-scratching are eliminated so you can get back to what you love most: teaching.
Can I keep the copyright?
I have a basic rule. You own your copyright. I own mine. When you decided to take your publishing project to a different platform, you take what belongs to you and I keep what’s mine. That seems fair.
It’s time to make a decision. Do you want to monetize your ESL course or not? Contact me.
Let me know how much you will bring to the table and how much you want from me, and we can decide on the split.