Great news! You may remember that I won the TESL Innovation Award in June 2017 and the Sesquicentennial Pin for Leadership in Education in November 2017, but now Ahuntsic College, my college, has bestowed on me the teacher of the year award for 2019. It is called the AQPC Mention d’Honneur.
See my other awards here.

Ahuntsic College has about 600 teachers, so winning this award is a tremendous honour for me. I will receive the award at the AQPC Congress in Rimouski on June 6, 2019.
A screenshot of the announcement on the college website (requires login) is below. Below that, I have attempted to translate the announcement into English. Below that is the original message in French.

APQC Honourable Mention Award
The English translation of the proposal of the candidature for this award:
It is with pride that the candidacy of Nicholas Walker, teacher in English as a second language, has been submitted by Ahuntsic College’s Dean of Education for a 2019 AQPC Honorable Mention. (AQPC stands for Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale = The Quebec Association of College Pedagogy)
Avant-gardiste in the field of computer assisted learning, expert in evaluating second language teaching of English, “Mr. Walker” is a valuable man in the English department and a teacher who is much appreciated by his students. A true innovator and creator of many tools for formative as well as summative evaluation, he is frequently a speaker at events involving online training, artificial intelligence to support instruction in his discipline, and a visionary way of teaching. His publications, research analyses, and conferences were numerous and rich in 2017 and 2018, but not as much as the quality of the reinvestment of his great knowledge and his passion for the benefit his Ahuntsic students.
C’est avec fierté que la candidature de M. Nicolas Walker, enseignant en anglais, langue seconde a été déposée par la direction des études du collège pour la Mention d’honneur 2019 de l’AQPC.
Voici le texte qui accompagne sa mise en candidature :
Avant-gardiste dans le domaine des technopédagogies, expert de la didactique de l’évaluation en enseignement de l’anglais langue seconde, « Mr. Walker » est un collègue précieux au département d’anglais et un enseignant très apprécié de ses étudiants. Véritable machine d’innovation et créateur de nombreux outils permettant l’évaluation formative autant que sommative, il est fréquemment conférencier lors d’événements où il est question de formation en ligne, de l’intelligence artificielle au service de l’enseignement de sa discipline et de manière visionnaire d’enseigner. Ses publications, analyses de recherche ou conférences ont été nombreuses et riches en 2017 et 2018, mais pas autant que la qualité des réinvestissements de ses grandes connaissances et de sa passion auprès de ses étudiants d’Ahuntsic.