Membership advantages

by , under Features

Members can check 3000 words at a time, save text and feedback, translate feedback into 70 languages, create hypertext narratives and essay outlines, send PDFs with voice recordings, track errors, play error correction games, post essays to forums for additional feedback, with more features on their way.

FeaturesNon-member*Signed-in Member *Premium Member
 Price Ad-supportedAd-supported, zero spamPAID
 Number of words you can check at a time 500     30003000
 Check spelling and grammar (2)unlimited unlimitedunlimited
 Improve Writing (1)30 clicks max10 clicks max per day unlimited
 Check Level (4) 30 max total 10 clicks max per day unlimited
Check score (5) ✘10 clicks max per day unlimited
 Convert your text to an MP3 30 max total unlimited unlimited
Count words (8) 30 max total 10 clicks max per day unlimited
Check your text for target structures (12) 30 max total 10 clicks max per day unlimited
 Automatically save your text and feedback ✘unlimited unlimited
 Translate feedback in to 70 languages ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
 Create hypertext narratives ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
Create glossaries  ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
 Create essay outlines ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
 Listen to your feedback ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
 Report false alarms ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
 Send a PDF of feedback with audio comments ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
 Track your errors ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
Play error-correction games ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
Post to the forum for help from a human ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited
Penpal exchange ✘ 10 clicks max per day unlimited

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