Feedback and Links Page

by , under Features

Check your feedback and links on the feedback page. Start by clicking on the feedback link on the navigation menu at the top right, under the share icons.

Grammar checker feedback page link

Feedback Tab

This tab shows the latest text you submitted to the Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker. Each text is dated. The Virtual Writing Tutor keeps your feedback and links for you for 1 year. You can delete all the information listed by clicking “Delete all.” You have the right to be completely forgotten.

Grammar checker feedback, saved texts and links
Feedback and links tab
  1. Feedback tab
  2. Links tab
  3. PDF tab
  4. Delete all of your feedback. You have the right to be forgotten.
  5. Delete feedback from each dated submission. Not everything is worth keeping, right?
  6. The last submission you made to the grammar checker, showing the date, the number of words, the number of sentences, the number of errors, the error density, the text you submitted, the feedback you received, and a link (if any) to a remedial online practice exercise or resource.

Links Tab

The Virtual Writing Tutor generates an instant curriculum for by counting and prioritizing the links shown with the feedback you receive. Obviously, understanding the errors you make most often should be your highest priority. Sometimes, the link will take you to a page listing 50 common errors. This page will give other examples of the same error and further information about the error. Other links on the Links Tab will take you to a page listing remedial online practice exercises.

Prioritized list of links to remedial online practice activities
  1. Links tab
  2. The number of times a link was triggered by an error detection rule
  3. The link to an online remedial exercise or resource

PDFs Tab

The Virtual Writing Tutor can generate PDFs that you can send to your friends, students, clients, or your teacher. If you lose a link to the PDF you want to send, don’t worry. A copy of the link is available on the PDFs tab.

List of PDFs generated by the grammar checker
  1. PDFs tab
  2. The link to the PDF
  3. What service generated the PDF
  4. The date the PDF was generated
  5. Delete the PDF forever and remove the entry from the list


If you haven’t used this page before, check it out. I created this page to help the users of Virtual Writing Tutor recover lost texts and to prioritize which online exercises to do.

Many users have written to me in a panic to ask if a copy of their text has been saved in the database. Don’t worry, I say. Check your feedback and links page. If you were logged in, it is there. It is a big relief to be able to recover an essay you were working on when the power suddenly goes out.

Your Other Stored Information

The Virtual Writing Tutor also stores other information to serve you better. Your first language preference is stored in your profile, which is what the system uses to translate your feedback.

The Virtual Writing Tutor also stores essay outlines you create.

To review your essays on the Community Forum, head over there and scroll down.