Are you concerned about your English grammar for the TOEFL and IELTS exams?
You can learn English extensively by writing meaningful messages and getting feedback on errors using a grammar checker like the Virtual Writing Tutor. You can also learn English intensively by taking a grammar course. Both methods work.
If you feel you need a grammar course to help give a boost to your English writing, you will probably be interested in my selection of three of the most highly-rated English grammar courses on Udemy.
Depending on your level, I can recommend either an advanced course, an intermediate course, or a basic course. I will let you choose which level is best for you.
Advanced English Course for TOEFL and IELTS (4.6 stars)
If you make occasional errors, especially when you attempt to write complex sentences, an advanced grammar course might be what you need. Annamaria Ibos has created two courses on Udemy, both are highly rated.
She says she has been teaching English for more than 10 years and her superpower is to make English grammar easily understandable. I believe her. The reviews left by her students attest to her teaching skill. She seems to be able to make learning English fun and efficient.

Take the Advanced English Grammar Course if this describes you:
- You have at least intermediate English knowledge
- You are serious about sharpening your English grammar knowledge
- You are preparing to take the TOEFL and/or IELTS exams
Intermediate English Course for TOEFL and IELTS (4.7 stars)
Annamaria Ibos’s most highly-rated English course is her Intermediate English course. If you make frequent errors in your English writing and if you make a range of different grammatical errors, an intermediate level course might be what you need.

You should take this course if you have the following:
- You have at least pre-intermediate English grammar knowledge
- You have some familiarity with English verb tenses
- You have a basic understanding of how English grammar works
Basic English Grammar and Structures (4.6 stars)
If you need a more basic introduction to English grammar, you might benefit from an introductory course to English grammar. The Basic English Grammar and Structures Course on Udemy is also highly rated.
The videos provide slow and clear explanations in English. There are activities at the end of each video. And you can ask questions to the instructors to get help at any time.

Whichever course you choose, don’t forget keep using the Virtual Writing Tutor and keep writing.